Rakandhiya (Raka) Rachmanto

[Email] [Resume]

About Me

Hello! I am Rakandhiya Rachmanto, or Raka for short. I am a final year Computer Science student in Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My general interests are web development, internet of things, and ML. I have a couple of work and research experiences during my time as a student. Notably, I have done numerous small to medium-scale web development projects, and almost two years as research assistant focusing on computer vision in edge devices.


Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Bachelor's degree, 2020 - 2024, 3.92 GPA


PT. Indonesia IT
3 mos, July - Sep 2019


  • Web Development for Training Agency in South Borneo, Indonesia
  • Web Development for Stunted Growth Tracking in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Research: Edge Computing and Model Compression
  • Research: Knowledge Distillation for YOLO
  • Research: Identifying Deepfake Videos

Posters and Publications

IEEE EDGE 2024 Characterizing Deep Learning Model Compression with Post-Training Quantization on Accelerated Edge Devices
Rakandhiya D. Rachmanto, Zaki Sukma, Ahmad N. L. Nabhaan, Arief Setyanto, Ting Jiang, In Kee Kim. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE), Shenzhen, China. [Best Paper Award]
Matrik 2024 Deep Learning Model Compression Techniques Performance on Edge Devices
Rakandhiya D. Rachmanto, Ahmad N. L. Nabhaan, Arief Setyanto. Jurnal Matrik Universitas Bumigora, Vol. 23, no 3, 2024.
WSFI 2023 Performance Study of Deep Learning Compressions on Edge Devices
Rakandhiya D. Rachmanto, Ahmad N. L. Nabhaan, Arief Setyanto, Ting Jiang, In Kee Kim. (Poster) World Scientific Forum of Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia 2023.


  • 3rd Place GKM Informatika IoT 2022